Monday, 29 July 2019

Motivation for the Week: 5

Hello to everyone out there!

Let's get started, here is the motivational quote for the week:

"Forget what hurt you,
But never forget what it taught you

Why did I chose this quote: Sometimes in life, we get hurt either verbally, physically or - nowadays - cyberly (this is a word, I googled it.). Most of us remember what caused that pain, but we can learn from the mistakes we made. I do like this quote as I, and am sure many of you, can relate to this quote.
Let it be motivation for you as well for the week ahead. Just think about what the situation that hurt you, taught you.

Thank you all for reading this blog,
I shall be back next week.

Let me know if you would like me to blog about any other topics.

Thank you!

(Picture source: Google.)

Monday, 22 July 2019

Motivation for the Week: 4

Hello to one and all!

Here is the quote for the week:

"This should be the spirit every Monday.
Know that something good will always happen

- Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Why I chose this quote:
I like that this quote is short, and to the point. I
What I take from this quote is, we need to think more positively and if we believe good events will will happen. It may take time, but something good will happen in the future.

If you have requests for a blog, please let me know. You can let me know via my social media accounts.

Thank you for taking time to read this blog.

Monday, 15 July 2019

Motivation for the Week: 3

Hello to one and all!

How have you all been doing?
Are you looking on the positive side of life?

Here is your motivation for the week:

"Today you are you, that is truer than true.

There is no one alive that is youer than you."

- Dr. Seuss.

Why did I chose this quote: I found this quote to be very inspiring because we need to be who we want to be, and to not let anyone dictate our lives.
I believe that you are can be whatever you want to be, but that can only happen if you are determined and if you put your mind to what you want to in your life.

Thank you all for taking time to read this blog,
It does not go unappreciated.

Thank you!
Please let me know if you have any suggestions.
See you next week!

Monday, 8 July 2019

Motivation for the Week: 2

Happy Monday to one and all!

Here is the motivation for the week ahead:
"Unless we learn to know ourselves, we run the danger of destroying ourselves."
- Ja A. Jahannes.

Why I chose this quote for the week: With all the quotes I have read, I find them to be quite inspiring to read. This quote, in particular, is a good one. I find that if you know who you are as a person, you will know what is right for you.
If you are someone who is not sure who they are as a person, like other people, we may destroy ourselves. We are the main source of our own destruction, so maybe seek out who you are meant to be. Just remember to follow your own goals in life.
That is my take on this quote. It is quit interesting to think about.

Thank you to all for taking the time to read this blog post.
If you have any suggestions for a new blog, please let me know.
(You can write to me via my social media pages too.)

Thank you,
Happy Monday!

Monday, 1 July 2019

Motivation for the Week

Hello to one and all!

I do apologize for not being able to blog any posts for a while now. I have been quite busy lately. There is a new topic I would like to start: That is posting motivation for the week ahead.
The reason for this new posts in the upcoming weeks will be to try and motivate everyone, and help them stay positive for the week.

Here is the first quote that I do hope will inspire you for the week:

"Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living,
and your belief will help create the fac

- William James

Why I chose this quote for the week: I want you to see a quote about life itself. I do not wish for us to be afraid of life and what the future may hold. If we believe that life can be beautiful, then we will realize that life is worth living.
That is my take on this quote.

I want to make these next blogs short and sweet.
I do hope that these motivations will benefit you with your day. Remember to have a productive day, and to try and not think too negatively. I do know that negativity is a natural way of thinking, but we do need to look on the brighter side of a situation.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post,
If you have any suggestions with regard to future blogs, feel free to let me know.

Thank you!

Picture is taken from Google Images